multi family rentals

Seek nowSingle-Family & Multi-Family Rentals

Accurate and Fast 3D Tours and Digital Floor Plans with National Coverage

Quickly capture irrefutable move-out property conditions. Share 3D walkthroughs and interactive floorplans on demand. Accelerate turn velocity on rentals to close tenant move-in gaps.

Reduce or eliminate the need to visit your properties in person. Powered by our coast-to-coast camera operator network, Seeker 360™ services deliver 3D virtual tours, complete with interior and exterior panoramic photos, integrated asset tagging, precise measurements, and digital floorplans.

No hosting fees. No subscription fees. And because it’s yours, you own all of your data with the added benefit of accessing it remotely from anywhere – even on your mobile device.

virtual tour

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Investors, brokers, owners, operators, and property managers leverage Seeker 360™ to save the time and resources they otherwise incur by physically sending someone to evaluate a property, regardless of whether it’s to evaluate for acquisition, record the current state of the property, or create rental marketing collateral.

Understand the state and condition of every property – all with no bias, and all without ever stepping foot on the property. Our team inventories your entire portfolio of doors by capturing real-time property conditions. We then deliver an in-depth property condition report, inclusive of accurate measurements, a record of appliances and assets, and embedded damage tagging.


Execution & Deliverables

  • A 1600 sq ft property scan is typically completed in under an hour
  • You’ll receive all deliverables in 3-5 days from the point of scheduling your appointment, and in as little as 24 hours after our team completes the on-site data collection
  • Deliverables include a virtual property walkthrough, PDF report detailing property condition, accurate measurements throughout the entire property, and high-def real estate imagery for marketing scans and contractor rehab collaboration

Why Should Every SFR and MFR Company Consider Seeker 360™ 3D Capture Services?

  • Nationwide coverage with fast turnaround
  • Proven results in accelerating turn velocity and reducing gaps between tenants
  • Full SFR lifecycle services from move out to move in
  • Embedded asset tagging and condition assessment
  • Your digital scans and data are yours to keep – access them from anywhere, download them locally, or host them privately on a secure server
  • No subscription costs or hosting fees
image of the cycle

How Do Seeker 360 3D Capture Services Provide Value to SFR & MFR Companies?

Improved Property Management

Immersive virtual tours and digital floorplans allow prospective tenants to explore every inch of a rental property without having to visit it physically. This leads to saving property managers time and resources by reducing the need for in-person showings and enabling them to showcase their properties more effectively.

Smarter Maintenance, Renovations, and Repairs

Property managers, contractors, and vendors gain on-demand, interactive access to accurate and detailed information about the condition of the property, including any damages or wear and tear to empower informed decision-making during the move-in and/or move-out process.

Streamlined Property Acquisition

Streamline the due diligence and acquisition process by delivering an electronic property condition report – inclusive of panoramic and up-close photos, room measurements and floorplan – giving you an accurate understanding of the property condition. 3D scans and photos are easily shared and accessed from anywhere, online or offline, and can be hosted privately on a secure server.

Construction Improved Turn Velocity for Move-In & Move-Out

Maintain a record of “what’s behind the wall.” A sweeping view of the property conditions prior to move-in compared to the conditions documented at the time of move-out provides an irrefutable source of truth for construction estimates, damage repair costs, and maintenance costs. Seeker 360 services also eliminate move-out disputes with tenants and hold them accountable for any damage incurred during their tenancy.

Improved Tenant Experience and Marketing Your Properties

Provide tenants with a more engaging and immersive rental experience. Seeker 360 services act as a perfect marketing tool by reducing property vacancy costs, decreasing turn time on construction, accelerating turn velocity, and providing detailed 3D tours alongside 2D floorplans for potential tenants to view from anywhere without visiting on-site.

What Differentiates Seek Now?

  • 12 years in business
  • Trusted by market-dominant companies in both the Real Estate and Insurance industries 
  • Data ownership is retained by our clients
  • Single source partner with coast-to-coast camera operator network 
kitchen tour

Are you interested in speaking to someone about our Single-Family & Multi-Family Rental Services? Complete the form and someone will be in touch.

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